Witch symbols and sigials.
Happy Pioneer Day! Any who I thought I would share what I learned about symbols and sigils in witchcraft enjoy! Symbols and sigils are and can be used in witchcraft. These designs are meant to be used with intention. They may represent certain elements of witchcraft, or a spell that has been casted. These characters can be drawn in salt, water or on a paper with a pen. There are different options and different intentions to consider when creating and using these designs. Photo from Unsplash Symbols: Symbols in witchcraft represent something and they can range from zodiac signs to element signs to gods and goddesses. We can use many different symbols in witchcraft and they may be used and looked at for different reasons. We can use any symbol that means something to us, we can even use a peace sign. We can use these symbols to manifest, communicate with and connect. Photo from ...