
Witch symbols and sigials.

    Happy Pioneer Day! Any who I thought I would share what I learned about symbols and sigils in  witchcraft enjoy!      Symbols and sigils are and can be used in witchcraft. These designs are meant to be used with  intention. They  may represent certain elements of witchcraft, or a spell that has been casted. These  characters can be drawn in salt, water or on a paper with a pen. There are different options and different  intentions to consider when creating and using these designs. Photo from Unsplash Symbols:      Symbols in witchcraft represent something and they can range from zodiac signs to element  signs to gods and goddesses. We can use many different symbols in witchcraft and they may be used and  looked at for different reasons. We can use any symbol that means something to us, we can even use a  peace sign. We can use these symbols to manifest, communicate with and connect. Photo from ...

Moon Phases.

     Photo from Unsplash            Witches can use moon phases in their practices. In witchcraft, the moon is seen as the feminine energy  while the sun  is looked at as masculine. Many witches seem drawn to the moon and its power, and many  women claim that the moon cycle and personal menstrual cycle seem to correlate together. Whether the  person feels a connection to the moon or not, we can all appreciate the beauty of the moon.           Let's go over the phases and what they mean in ritual. New Moon Photo from Unsplash            During this phase in the moon cycle, when we look up into the sky we may barley see the moon or we may not see it at all. Regardless of the absent appearance of the moon, this moon phase is full of new  beginnings. New moon, or phase one in the moon cycle is seen as a chance to get to know  our shadow selves...


    Dieties are spirits, gods and or goddesses that one chooses to pray to and work with. Witches may  choose which spirit they wish to work with. You can work with different dieties for different  objectives  in life. It is not necessary for a witch to work with a diety or even have them at their altar.  Working with dieties is meant to be a fun and respectful practice for good. Photo from unsplash Diety Example list: Buddha Mother Earth (Mother nature) Ganesh Bast  Zues Ansestors           So many gods and goddesses are known for many different things. Different dieties possess different  powers. We may also call upon these dieties  to help us achieve our desires, based on their individual power. It is not required to work with dieties, and some witches prefer not to work with them. It is up to  the witch to decide what parts of witchcraft they will adopt into their practice.     S...

What is, and what is inside an Altar?

    Altars are a safe place where you can practice your magic and meditate. You can also work with  Dieties  and bring offerings in exchange for working with the gods or goddesses.  My personal altar is a traveling altar, and I choose to take my altar with me on the go.  I love that I can fit it in my pocket. There are many different kinds of altars and different sizes too.  What size altar would you want?          You can have a number of things in you altar.  Most common: Altar Cloth Candles Pentacle Diety(ies) The elements and or elemental tools Cauldron Broom Incense Matches Lighter      So you may be thinking, well what do I do at my altar? And to simply put it: What to do at my altar: Meditate Work Magic Manifest Work with Dieties Work with the elements     In conclusion, Altars are safe sacred places to practice magic. My altar is a traveling portable one that I  can take with...

What is a Pentacle?

    A Pentacle is a talisman or a disk shaped object  that commonly represents a star pointing  to all  the elements: Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Spirit.           Don't get Pentacle and pentagram mixed up, pentagram is the star symbol, pentacle is a star with circle  around it. Pentacle Art by Sarita Pentagram Art by Sarita      The Pentacle has been seen as good and bad throughout time, it is up to the witch to decide what it   means to them.     Common meanings: Elements:  As said before a pentacle commonly represents and points to the five elements: Air, Fire, Earth, Water and Spirit. Some say that the circle around the five elements contains the power of the witch and  the elements. Circle of Manifestation:  The circle around the star is thought to protect the witch, and meant to manifest to  the witches desire. Satanism:  Many see the star in a different light,...

The Elements In witchcraft.

Art by Sarita     In nature there are four elements in which the world lives and breathes. In witchcraft, and other  traditions however, there is a fifth element... spirit.     A pentagram points to all the elements (as shown above.) In witchcraft we encompass these elements  with a protection or manifestation circle to balance certain aspects of our life. This is called a pentacle.  (As shown below.) Art by Sarita Now let's go over the elements and how they relate and can be used in witchcraft. Air:   This element is associated with intelligence, consciousness, creativity, beginnings and  intangibility.  without permanent form.  Color: Yellow Magic tool:  Wand Planet: Jupiter Zodiac:  Gemini, Libra, Aquarius  Elemental:  Sylph Direction:  East Moon Phase:  Waxing Season:  Spring Time of Day:  Sunrise Earth:  This element is associated with stability, being grounded, fertility, materialit...

Litha, a witch's summer holiday.

🌞🌞  Happy Litha! 🌞🌞      Summer Solstice in the witch community is known as the holiday  Litha . Litha starts on June 19th and ends on June 23    Photo from: Unsplash     Summer solstice  is associated with the longest day of the year and the shortest night. Longest day  meaning that the power of the sun is strongest on this day. This strength from the sun will to continue to  grow the abundance around us through the rest of the year .  This year the day will fall on Saturday,  June 20th 2020.       This holiday is associated with the sun and therefore, the masculine energy. The moon is  Feminine.        During this time we must recognize, and be thankful for the the warm time of the year, before Yule or  Winter Solstice.      In ancient times some witches would light flaming torches to celebrate the the crops grown from spring. This is a time...