What is a Pentacle?

    A Pentacle is a talisman or a disk shaped object  that commonly represents a star pointing to all 

the elements: Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Spirit.


     Don't get Pentacle and pentagram mixed up, pentagram is the star symbol, pentacle is a star with circle 

around it.

Art by Sarita


Art by Sarita

    The Pentacle has been seen as good and bad throughout time, it is up to the witch to decide what it  

means to them.

    Common meanings:

Elements: As said before a pentacle commonly represents and points to the five elements: Air, Fire, Earth,

Water and Spirit. Some say that the circle around the five elements contains the power of the witch and 

the elements.

Circle of Manifestation: The circle around the star is thought to protect the witch, and meant to manifest to

 the witches desire.

Satanism: Many see the star in a different light, if you flip the star to pointing down instead of up, this is

seen as the goat of satan with the horns facing upward. We can see this as the two points of the star on top.

Divine Feminine: Some see the middle of the star as a womb, or the pentagon in the middle of the 


How to use a pentacle:

Pentacles are primarily used for protection and manifestation. Simply have your pentacle present on any 

surface or draw it with salt herbs oils etc. depending on desired outcome(different herbs have different 

meanings.) When we use the pentacle we may call upon certain elements to balance things in our lives. 

For example, we may call upon earth if we need more grounding in our lives.

    In conclusion, a pentagram is different than a pentacle. a pentacle is used in spell work and can be used 

to protect and manifest.

Pentacle necklace: https://amzn.to/2VcO7u4



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