
    Dieties are spirits, gods and or goddesses that one chooses to pray to and work with. Witches may 

choose which spirit they wish to work with. You can work with different dieties for different 

objectives in life. It is not necessary for a witch to work with a diety or even have them at their altar. 

Working with dieties is meant to be a fun and respectful practice for good.

Photo from unsplash

Diety Example list:


Mother Earth (Mother nature)






    So many gods and goddesses are known for many different things. Different dieties possess different 

powers. We may also call upon these dieties to help us achieve our desires, based on their individual

power. It is not required to work with dieties, and some witches prefer not to work with them. It is up to 

the witch to decide what parts of witchcraft they will adopt into their practice.

    Sometimes it does help to have symbols, pictures or figures present while practicing with the diety, but 

it isn't necessary.

How to work with a Diety:

-Cleanse your altar space and invite the diety you wish to work with into your cleansed space

-Honor diety by providing an offering or prayer

-Ask diety to work on specific aspirations

-Kindly thank diety for their participation and remember to honor and respect them and yourself

    In conclusion, dieties are gods and goddesses that are meant to be respected and can be worked with. 

Witches may work with dieties to achieve certain things in their personal affairs. There are other ways of 

working magic without dieties. Gods and goddesses incorporated in ritual are meant to be worked with 

for good. In these rituals we can learn about ourselves, the diety and they can be fun!

Buddha hand figurine:




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