Litha, a witch's summer holiday.

🌞🌞 Happy Litha!🌞🌞

    Summer Solstice in the witch community is known as the holiday Litha.

Litha starts on June 19th and ends on June 23

Photo from: Unsplash

    Summer solstice is associated with the longest day of the year and the shortest night. Longest day 

meaning that the power of the sun is strongest on this day. This strength from the sun will to continue to 

grow the abundance around us through the rest of the year .  This year the day will fall on Saturday, 

June 20th 2020.

     This holiday is associated with the sun and therefore, the masculine energy. The moon is 


    During this time we must recognize, and be thankful for the the warm time of the year, before Yule or 

Winter Solstice.

    In ancient times some witches would light flaming torches to celebrate the the crops grown from spring.

This is a time of abundance.

To Celebrate Litha:

-Decorate your safe space or altar in summer flowers or anything that signifies summer time to you! 

-Have a bonfire and barbecue with your friends and family to celebrate Litha.

-Meditate and give thanks for all the abundance in your life.

-Reflect and be aware of working on self growth or working on any aspect of your life that you would like 

to grow and flourish. 

-Spend time in the sun(don't forget sunscreen), and acknowledge how powerful and wonderful the sun is 

and how warm it feels.

In conclusion, Litha is a witch's way of celebrating the beginning of summer, and acknowledging the 

abundance that surrounds us.

Does humanity now have the go-ahead to block out the sun?



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