Moon Phases.

Photo from Unsplash
     Witches can use moon phases in their practices. In witchcraft, the moon is seen as the feminine energy 

while the sun is looked at as masculine. Many witches seem drawn to the moon and its power, and many 

women claim that the moon cycle and personal menstrual cycle seem to correlate together. Whether the 

person feels a connection to the moon or not, we can all appreciate the beauty of the moon.


    Let's go over the phases and what they mean in ritual.

New Moon
Photo from Unsplash

     During this phase in the moon cycle, when we look up into the sky we may barley see the moon or we

may not see it at all. Regardless of the absent appearance of the moon, this moon phase is full of new 

beginnings. New moon, or phase one in the moon cycle is seen as a chance to get to know 

our shadow selves. This part of ourselves we may keep hidden or we may not admit we have. During this 

time we are able to work on ourselves, improve and grow into our new true selves.

Working with New Moon:

    Help work on our shadow sides and translate them into positivity and focus on new beginnings

Waxing Moon
Photo from Unsplash

    Phase two in the moon cycle is known as Waxing moon. One way to remember the Waxing moon,  is 

comparing it with waxing legs and them becoming shiny, bright and new! Another 

good way to remember is "wax on," becoming brighter and more full. When looking at the moon during 

this time in the cycle, it is becoming bigger and is almost full. During this time, we want to work on the 

parts of our lives we want to become more full. Whether it be our love lives or careers or anything we are 

ready to grow. This is the time to focus our energy toward specific growth.

Working with Waxing Moon:

Help to make certain parts of our lives more full

Full Moon
Photo from Unsplash

    Intensity and emotion! Phase three is known to be a special time for witches to work their magic. 

During a full moon, many may gaze into the sky and can be mesmerized by the beauty and the entrancing 

power of the complete and full moon. This is the perfect time to set any spell on fire with intensity! Many 

witches use this time to charge their crystals or moon water in order to intensify and heighten their 

intentions and spells.

Working with Full Moon:

Intensify any spell or intention with the help of the full moon

Waning Moon
Photo from Unsplash

     Phase four can be seen as closing chapters or doors in our lives. As we look into the sky we can see the 

moon as a crescent or almost closing door of the moon into the invisible New moon. We may use this 

time to banish things in our lives or encourage us to move forward and let go of things that no longer 

serve us. We may banish things that prohibit us from growing or living fruitful lives. This is a time to 

focus our energy on becoming the best version of ourselves by releasing undesirable hinderances in our 


Working with Waning Moon:

Use this time to move forward with life and let go of unnecessary things.


     In conclusion, witches may work with the moon to achieve certain things in their lives, from new 

beginnings to fruitful life to letting go and moving forward.


Moon Led light:


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