How to become a Witch.

    How does one become a witch? Where does one start? Well, anyone can become a witch, 

all you need to be a witch is you. You can use your visualizing and psychic abilities by practicing 


    By casting spells and believing in our magic, we can manifest to our hearts desire.

Art by Sarita


    The next best thing we can do if we wish to practice witchery is to find a special place to practice and 

pick times to practice where we will not be disturbed. A pen and paper are really all you need to get 

started, even experienced witches use these tools.


    Every witch should have a B.O.S. as a reflective journal to write and practice spells etc. as I am doing in
this blog.

    Besides a BOS(Book of Shadows), Grimoire or spell book (which are all the same thing) and a pen and 

paper to write and perform spells... What else can we use?


Witch Tools:

    Primary: Pentacle, Athame, Wand, Chalice

    Pentacle: Disk with sigil or symbol (usually a star, or pentagram to represent elements) Disk symbolizes earth


    Athame: Sword or knife associated with the element fire.

    Wand: Associated with the air element 

    Chalice: Cup associated with the water element

Note: Wand and athame elements switched in some traditions.

    Other tools:


    Candles, Broom, Cauldron, Crystals, Incense, Shells, Feathers, Tarot cards, Oils, Pendulum. 

There are many things that witches use as tools. These are what I will primarily use.

    Altar:  A shrine or place where one may offer offerings (like chocolate and then eating it yourself after

 your ritual hehe..) Altars should be a safe space where one may practice their witchings. There are many 

options in creating alters and they should be unique to the witch. For example, I enjoy having a traveling 

altar in which I can practice witchcraft on the go. I will be making a video and sharing my altar for 

documenting purposes and also for ideas for new witches.


    In conclusion, anyone can be a witch, it doesn't take fancy equipment and starting is really simple. It's

 an enjoyable hobby and ritual that I have been enthralled with. I am so excited to be sharing what I 

have learned and what I will continue to learn throughout my experience. I hope you enjoyed this post 

and I hope it inspired you to go on your own witch journey.

What is your favorite primary witch tool? What is your favorite witch tool in general?

Love and light.

Art By Sarita

Book about Wicca:



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